Chapter 2 Configuration and Installa tion
National Instruments Corporation 2-33 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Caution: Under no circumstances should these +5-V power pins be directly
connected to analog or digital ground or to any other voltage source on the
AT-MIO-16X or any other device. Doing so can damage the AT-MIO-16X
and the PC. National Instruments is not liable for damages resulting from
such a connection.
Timing Connections for Data Acquisition and Analog Output The data acquisition and analog output timing signals are SCANCLK,
SCANCLK SignalSCANCLK is an output signal that generates a low-to-high edge
whenever an A/D conversion begins. SCANCLK pulses only when
scanning is enabled on the AT-MIO-16X. SCANCLK is normally
low and pulses high for approximately 8 conversion begins. The
low-to-high edge can be used to clock external analog inp ut
multiplexers. The SCANCLK signal is driven by one CMOS TTL gate.
EXTSTROBE* SignalA low pulse of no less than 500 ns is generated on the EXTSTROBE *
pin when the External Strobe Register is accessed. See the External
Strobe Register section in Chapter 4, Register Map and Descriptions,
for more information. Figure 2-13 shows the timing for the
EXTSTROBE* signal.
Figure 2-13. EXTSTROBE* Signal Timing
The pulse width is defined as 500 ns minimum. The EXTSTRO BE *
signal can be used by an external device to latch signals or trigger
events. The EXTSTROBE* signal i s a n H CT si gna l.
tw500 nsec