Chapter 3 Theory of Operation
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 3-2
National Instruments Corporation
The following major components make up the AT-MIO-16X board:
PC I/O channel interface circuitry
Analog input circuitry
Data acquisition circuitry
Analog output circuitry
DAC waveform generation circuitry
Digital I /O cir cu itry
Timing I/O circuitry
RTSI bus interface circuitry
The internal data and control buses interconnect the components. The
theory of operation of each of these components is explained in the
remainder of this chapter.
PC I/O Channel Interface Circuitry
The AT-MIO-16X board is a full-size 16-bit PC I/O channel adapter.
The PC I/O channel consists of a 24-bit address bus, a 16-bit data bus,
a DMA arbitration bus, interrupt lines, and several control and support
signals. The components making up the AT-MIO-16X PC I/O channel
interface circuitry are shown in Figure 3-2.