AT-MIO-16X User Manual G-20
National Instruments Corporation
RRAM random-access memory
real time a property of an event or system in which data is processed as it is
acquired instead of being accumulated and processed at a late r time
referenced signal signal sources with voltage signals that are referenced to a syste m
sources ground, such as the earth or a building gr oun d. A lso ca lled gr oun ded
signal sources.
relative accuracy a measure in LSB of the accuracy of an ADC. It includes all non-
linearity and quantization errors. It does not include offset and gain
errors of the circuitry feeding th e ADC .
resolution the smallest signal increment that can be detected by a measurement
system. Resolution can be expressed in bits, in proportions, or in
percent of full scale. For example, a system has 12-bit resolution, one
part in 4,096 resolution, and 0.0244 percent of full scale.
resource locking a technique whereby a device is signaled not to use its local memory
while the memory is in use from the bus
retry an acknowledge by a destination that signifies that the cycle did not
complete and should be repeated
ribbon cable a flat cable in which the conductors are side by side
rise time the difference in time between the 10% and 90% points of a system’s
step response
rms root mean square—the square root of the average value of the square of
the instantaneous signal amplitude; a measure of signal amplitude
ROM read-only memory
RSE referenced single-ended mode—all measurements are made with
respect to a common reference measurement system or a gro und. A lso
called a grounded measurement system.
RTD resistance temperature detector—a metallic probe that measures
temperature based upon its coefficient of resistivity