Taskbar Icons
With Windows 98, a number of icons appear on the taskbar. Use the cursor to hover over the icon and display its function, right click the icon to display its menu options, or double click the icon to launch it.
The following icons normally appear on the left side of the Windows 98 taskbar.
!Internet Explorer — Allows you to browse the internet or view local HTML files. Also access Internet Explorer under Start, Programs, Internet Explorer.
!Outlook Express — Provides your default email program with secure and personalized features for email and newsgroup communication. Also access Outlook Express under Start, Programs, Outlook Express.
!Show Desktop — Minimizes all active screens to display your desktop.
The following icons normally appear on the right side of the Windows 98 taskbar.
!Task Scheduler — Enables you to schedule tasks, such as Disk Defragmenter, to run regularly. Also access Task Scheduler under Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Scheduled Tasks.
!Power Management Properties — Displays your current power source and total remaining battery power. Access Power Management Properties under Start, Settings, Control Panel, Power Management.
!Infrared Monitor — Allows you to enable, disable, and control the infrared communication on your notebook computer.
!NEC VersaGlide — Allows you to adjust your VersaGlide (mouse) properties. Also access NEC VersaGlide under Start, Settings, Control Panel, Mouse.
!Volume Control — Adjusts the volume and speaker balance when you play audio files. Also access Volume Control under Start, Programs, Accessories, Entertainment, Volume Control.
!Time Clock — Allows you to adjust the time and date, rearrange active windows on your desktop, create a new toolbar or customize your existing toolbar.
For more information about the desktop and taskbar icons, refer to the Windows 98 online help.