802.11 protocol mode 19
blocking 37, 44 remote 59 restricting 29
restricting by MAC address 22, 35 viewing logs 46
access points 125 account name 53 address reservation 115 ADSL settings 14
advanced USB storage settings 69 advanced WPS settings 27 advertisement period 136 attached devices 57 authentication proposal 86, 87 authentication, required by mail server 48 Auto Policy to configure VPN tunnels 101 available wireless stations 36
backing up configuration file 58 backing up, transfer time 131 bandwidth, optimizing 132 base station, setting up 127 Basic Settings screen 12 blocking access 37, 44 broadband Internet 130 broadcast status 55
bus speeds 65
cables, checking 138 channels 17
channels, wireless port 54
compliance, wireless 168 configuration file 57, 58
ADSL settings 14 DMZ server 117, 119 Dynamic DNS 116 email alerts 47 firewall rules 38 firmware upgrades 50 ISP settings 10 LAN IP services 112 log notifications 47 logs of web access 46 MTU size 134 parental controls 32 port forwarding 41 port triggering 43 QoS 119
remote management 60 repeater unit 128 security policy 85 static routes 123 UPnP 135
USB storage 67, 69, 74 using the Setup Manual 7 using the Smart Wizard 7 using WPS 24
VPN tunnels 78, 79, 80, 90, 153 WEP security 20
wireless guest networks 30 wireless repeating 125 wireless settings 18 WPA security 22
WPA2 security 22 connection status settings 55 connection types 130 CTS/RTS threshold 30
data packets, fragmented 134 date and time, troubleshooting 144 daylight savings time 49, 144 deactivating VPN tunnels 98, 99 default DMZ server 119
default factory settings 58, 147, 148