Viewing Photos and Videos



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Personalizing a photo

Use the drawing tool to add a personal touch to a photo.

Create multicolored art: Select a color and draw on a photo, and then select a different color and draw some more. Each drawing keeps its original color.


Select the drawing tool button to change line size. Select the text tool button to change font size.


Use the eraser selection on the drawing tool to erase drawings only;



Go to Favorites and select Photos & Videos .

Personalize a photo:

a.In the Thumbnail or List View, select the photo you want.

b.Open the menus.

c.Select Draw on Picture from the Media menu.

d.Draw on the photo using the following tools:

Text tool

Drawing tool Color button

select Undo to delete text. You can only use Undo once to delete text for a given photo. If you need to delete text after using Undo, select Done and do not save the photo, and then open the photo and try again.

Drawing tool Draw anywhere on the photo using the stylus.

Text tool Enter text in the field. Tap anywhere on the screen to open a text field in a new location.

Color button Select a drawing color.

e. Select Done.


Tungsten™ T5 Handheld


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Palm Tungsten T5 manual Personalizing a photo, Use the drawing tool to add a personal touch to a photo