Mac information creating contacts 135 creating notes 252 creating user profiles 13 described xxi displaying tasks 235 displaying videos 179 entering information 82 handheld system requirements 3 installing handheld software 7, 9799,


mobile connections 259 opening calendars 172 synchronizing handheld 87, 91 synchronizing with user profiles 16 transferring MP3 files to handheld 207 troubleshooting problems 586 writing memos 242

Mac OS X systems 97

magnifying glass (Adobe Reader) xx Mail Client pick list 350

mail databases 381

mail folders 322, 324, 355 mail servers 280, 284

Mail Servers command 295, 368

Mail Servers screen 296, 369, 370, 371 Mail Service pick list 283

Mail Services pick list 284 mail. See e-mail maintenance information 578 Make Default check box 93 Manual synchronization option 86 manually locking handhelds 477, 480 marking information as private 469

masking private entries 468, 470, 471 math calculators 27, 462

Maximum Message Size option 287, 353 MCI connections 552


desktop application 78 Media application

backing up information in 28 benefits of 178

displaying multimedia files 191, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199

displaying photos or videos 180 opening 180, 184, 186, 188, 189, 201 organizing photos and videos 191 overview 178, 201

related topics for 202 troubleshooting 202

Media icon 26 memory 113, 423, 589 memory button (Calculator) 463 memory cards 188, 576

memory clear button (Calculator) 463 memory recall button (Calculator) 463 memos

See also notes; Memos application adding contact information to 126, 238 backing up 28

categorizing 243 creating 237, 238, 239 deleting 241 displaying 239 editing 239, 240 exchanging 243 keeping private 243, 469 organizing 240, 243

saving 238, 241 selecting 43

sending as attachments 243 transferring to PCs 240

Memos application categorizing information in 491 getting help with 242 importing information for 107 marking entries as private 469 opening 27, 238, 523 overview 237

related topics for 243 reordering memos lists 240 selecting memos 239 transferring information to 68 troubleshooting 243, 602 writing memos with 238

Memos icon 27

Memos list 238, 239, 240 menu bar 46

Menu icon 591 menu shortcuts 47 menus 45, 46

icon on status bar 22 messages

See also e-mail; text messages automatically resending 311 connection types for 255 displaying unread 159, 168 downloading large 336, 339 receiving 255, 388 removing confirmation 251 sending plain text 308, 309 setting alarms for 509

Messages option 298

Tungsten™ T5 Handheld


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