displaying information about 27, 573 dummy card 569

formatting 576

getting applications on 112 inserting 20, 570 limitations 573

moving applications to 96 opening applications on 571 opening files on 572 overview 567 preventing damage to 569 related topics for 577 removing 569

removing applications on 113 renaming 574

saving multimedia files on 179 transferring audio files to 204206,


types of 568

viewing information on 414 Expense application 27

archiving information in 457 benefits of 450 categorizing information in 491 categorizing with Calculator 491 changing information 451 choosing currency options 453 deleting categories 493 deleting information in 457458entering expenses in 451452getting help with 460 opening 451, 460

related topics for 461 saving information in 452 transferring information to 68

troubleshooting 461 Expense icon 27

Expense Preferences dialog box 451, 454 expense records

See also Expense application categorizing 452, 458, 459 deleting 457, 458

entering information in 451, 454 organizing related expenses in 453 viewing information in 459

expense reports 27, 453, 458, 459 Expense type pick list 451 extending battery 512, 587 external data sources 17 external devices 20, 255, 544 external speaker 539


fade setting 168, 514, 517 FAQs 585

Favorites View changing entries 514 defined 26

icon on status bar 22 moving around 42 using the 5-way 42

FCC Statement 617 fields 25, 121, 122, 123 file names 575

File Transfer application backing up internal drive 100 defined 29

overview 76 troubleshooting 599 using 99

viewing internal flash drive 599 file types 179, 204


accessing 425

attaching to e-mail 202, 340, 342 displaying contents 413 displaying on expansion cards 573 downloading 335, 412 installation prerequisites for 111 installing on handheld 95 installing on Windows computers 93 locating 96

opening on expansion cards 572 opening text 335

removing 109, 576 restoring archived 109 saving 412

sharing 255

transferring to handheld 29, 107, 276, 412

troubleshooting uninstalled 597 Files application

defined 26 opening 36 using 36

viewing internal flash drive 599 filing events 139

filtering e-mail 300, 363, 365, 367 Filters dialog box 363, 365 finances 450, 491

See also Expense application Find dialog box 48

Find icon 48

Find icon on status bar 22 Find More button 48

Tungsten™ T5 Handheld


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Image 656
Palm Tungsten T5 manual 634