Cut command 72 Cut icon 47 cutting text 71

cycling through calendar views 159


daily events 138, 142

daily schedules 161, 162, 166 daily tasks 226, 228

data 114

See also information data entry

caution for 20 defined 66 input area for 19 methods for 50, 51, 531

data services 258, 410 databases 107, 381

Date & Time Preferences screen 525, 527 date formats 529, 530


See also calendar

assigning to appointments 138, 142 assigning to repeating tasks 227, 228 changing 154, 451, 502

checking 500 displaying current 504 displaying due 234 displaying in World Clock 510 entering current 64, 525, 528 flagging series of 145 incorrect 589

recording completion 234 reserving in calendar 140 resetting 525, 527

scheduling reminders for 120 selecting on calendar 138, 223 setting alarms for specific 153, 225, 249 setting due 223, 224

setting location-specific 502, 525 setting repeat intervals for 143, 144,

145, 154

setting sequence 530 sorting by 250

viewing scheduled 159, 162, 163, 164 viewing specific 163

Day View

displaying overlapping events in 166 scheduling events for 138, 140 selecting 138, 161

setting display options for 152, 166, 168 setting timeframes for 170

Day View icon 138

Daylight Savings settings 502, 506 Days To Synchronize Mail option 354 DBA files 107

Deactivate Keylock button 541 deadlines 140

decimal separators 530 Default Currency pick list 455 default settings

overwriting 90, 92 restoring 523 selecting 86

Default View pick list 167 Delay command 559 delays 479, 543

Delete command 114

Delete Contact dialog box 127 Delete dialog box 114

Delete Event command 156 Delete Event dialog box 156 Delete From pick list 114 Delete icon 47

Delete Item command 457 Delete Memo command 241 Delete Memo dialog box 241

Delete messages on server option 286 Delete Note command 251

Delete Old Messages dialog box 329 Delete Task command 231

Delete Task dialog box 231 deleting

applications 113, 576 appointments 156 bookmarks 407 categories 493 connections 544, 546 contacts 127 desktop software 7

e-mail 286, 328, 329, 331 e-mail accounts 292 e-mail filters 367 events 156158expense records 457, 458 files from handheld 109 Graffiti 2 ShortCut strokes 537 information 72, 109, 477, 576, 589 locations 507

mail folders 325 memos 241 notes 251 passwords 476 photos 192, 199 playlists 218

Tungsten™ T5 Handheld


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Palm Tungsten T5 manual See also calendar