getting additional information about xv getting help with 374
getting unexpected results 310 installing additional applications 276,
installing information on multiple 7, 11 locking
losing 312 maintaining 347 maintenance information for 28
not responding 313, 348, 356, 357, 358, 366
opening 356 overview 18
playing music on 205, 213, 216 preinstalled software on 25 recharging 347, 356 reconnecting HotSync cable 75 removing items 62 replacing information on 91, 93 resetting 21, 259, 300, 348, 357 restoring information on 351 running out of space on 98 setting
setting power preferences for
synchronizing 8,
Handmark Mobile DB software 27 Handmark PDA Money software 27 Handmark Solitaire software 27 handwriting 359
hard resets 259, 300, 350, 351, 357 headphone jack 20, 348 headphones 348
headsets 20, 311, 348 help xv, 17, 24, 48, 374 Help menu 361
Hide Private Records option 252 hiding
currency symbols 202 private entries 250, 252
highlighting menu commands 37 See also selection highlight
History dialog box 191 Holiday Files folder 155 holidays 126, 128, 130 Home icon 22, 30 Home screen
customizing 290 displaying 22, 30, 34 displaying icons on 358, 368 moving around 34
opening applications on
selecting applications on 25, 34 viewing application list for 25
hosts 326 HotSync cable 319
connecting to networks with 78
connecting to PCs with 8, 21 disconnecting 73, 75, 361 reconnecting 75 synchronizing with 72, 73, 79
HotSync icon 22, 23, 296 HotSync log 73 HotSync Manager
infrared option missing 365 not responding 363 restoring information from 351 starting 87
synchronizing and 72 turning off 87
HotSync Manager icon 72, 361 HotSync menu 282
HotSync Online Troubleshooting Guide 361 HotSync software 25, 72
ICES Statement 377
icons 22, 25, 33, 290, 296, 358 idle timeouts 326
image files 224, 278 images See photos importing
contacts 122 information 12, 60, 95
incompatible applications 371 incorrect dates and time 358 Info command 274
Info dialog box 274 information
accessing 33, 250 backing up 8, 26, 71, 98
Zire™ 31 Handheld | 391 |