changing categories for 269 combining in different categories 266 copying and pasting 66
duplicating 116
entering 21, 40, 41, 70, 304, 312 importing 60, 95
importing to profiles 12 keeping private 249, 251 losing xiv, 5, 71, 356 managing 26
moving through 19 not finding 360 organizing 39, 264
saving 31, 62, 360 searching for 23, 38 selecting 19, 65
setting up multiple handhelds for 7 sharing 20, 28, 110, 172, 241, 247 synchronization guidelines for 71 tracking 27
transferring to expansion cards 247 updating 8, 56, 69, 70
upgrades and saving 7
viewing by category 271 viewing transmitted 321
infrared option 365, 366 infrared port See IR port initialization strings (modems) 320 input area 19, 22, 42, 304 inserting expansion cards 20, 99 installation CD 2, 26, 276, 354 installation prerequisites 274 installing
additional software 26, 276, 278 applications 26, 70, 101, 273, 278 files 70
folders 280
mobile databases 27
Palm Desktop software 3, 7 instant messenger (IM) accounts 113 Int’l button 55
interactive tutorial 7 international keyboard 55 Internet connections 316, 322, 324 Internet protocol (IP) 326
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 316, 321, 322
invalidating warranty 356 IP Address check box 326 IP addresses 326
IR devices 74 IR port
beaming from 242, 243, 244 connecting to networks with 78 creating connections for 316 disabling 77
location of 20
selecting connections for 319
synchronizing with 72, 74, 75, 79, 365 IR to a PC/Handheld connection 316, 317
ISP accounts 321
JPG files 224
key terms xv keyboard icons 23 keyboard shortcuts 32 keyboards
connecting to portable 174 entering information with 54, 55 opening alternative 55
types of 23 Keylock 19, 313, 314
Keylock Preferences screen 313, 356 keys (onscreen keyboard) 55
LANSync Prefs dialog box 85 laptops 74
large fonts 293
left arrow controls 23
Left button (navigator) 34, 35, 37 letter keyboard 54
Letter keyboard icon 23 letter selection 30 License Agreement ii lightning bolt icon 357 Limitation of Liability statement ii line selection 65
linking to outside sources 17
Zire™ 31 Handheld | 392 |