tapping 305, 310, 347, 348, 357, 359 tapping command buttons 24 Task application
saving information in 158 setting alarms 159
Task Preferences dialog box 159, 168 tasks
See also Tasks application adding contact information to 117 adding notes to 158
adding to Tasks list 168 archiving 166, 167
assigning due dates to 158, 159, 163 attaching to
creating 158 deleting
displaying 143, 151, 164, 165, 168, 169 managing 157
marking as private 158 organizing 164 prioritizing 158, 169 reordering 169 saving 158, 166, 167 scheduling repeating 160, 162 setting alarms for 159, 169 setting repeat intervals for 161, 163 viewing due dates for 169 viewing overdue 169
Tasks application
adding tasks 158, 160, 162 additional information for 171 categorizing information in 265 getting help with 170 importing information for 60 installing 25
marking completed tasks 165 opening 158
overview 157
removing tasks 166, 167 saving information for 167 securing contents 171 setting display options for 164 setting preferences for
Tasks icon 25
Tasks list 143, 164, 166, 168 TCP/IP Settings button 84 technical assistance xv, 17, 375 Technical Support office 375 technical terms xv
telephone numbers See phone numbers text
adjusting fade setting for 291 changing color of 151, 295 changing screen fonts for 292 copying and pasting 66 entering 41, 42, 54
entering abbreviations for 307, 308 resizing 174
searching for 38 selecting 38, 65
viewing against photos 151
text files 60, 95
Thumbnail view 226, 238
thumbnails (photos) 151, 226, 238, 291 time
blocking out periods of 128, 131 changing 337
checking 335
displaying current 22, 339 displaying free 151
displaying specific periods of 151 entering current 52
entering display options for 153 incorrect 358
resetting 138, 300 scheduling periods of 125 setting 337
setting current 301
setting for alarms 137, 160, 184 setting
time bars 151
time formats 302, 303
time zones 298, 299, 339, 341 timed events 152
setting for alarms 343 tips xv, 17
Tips icon 23, 24 To Do lists 157
See also tasks toolbars 33
top arrow controls 24
Zire™ 31 Handheld | 401 |