description fields 124, 125 deselecting options 24

Desktop overwrites handheld option 91, 93 desktop software 10, 17, 26, 91, 93

See also specific application Details command 232

Details dialog box 268, 320, 325 Device pick list 274

devices 316, 319

Dial prefix check box 323 dial-in connections 316 dial-in servers 321, 322, 324 dialing in to networks 78, 316 dialing preferences 319 Dialing setting (connections) 319 dialog boxes 24, 36

See also specific dial-up connections 319, 321 dictionaries 98

digital cameras 98, 224, 226 digitizer (defined) 310 Digitizer Preferences screen 310 Disclaimer statement ii disconnecting HotSync cable 73, 75, 361 disk space requirements 2, 3

Display icon 22, 294

Display Options command 150, 290 Display Options dialog box 150, 290, 345 display preferences 290, 292, 294, 295 display See screen


application groups 268 application icons 358, 368 application information 17, 274 applications 101, 271

calendars 123

Category pick list 151, 152 Command toolbar 33 contact information 114, 119 current date and time 335, 339 current time and date 22 events 136, 152, 153

Graffiti 2 alternate strokes 306 hidden or masked entries 253 Home screen 22, 30, 34 HotSync log 73 information by category 271 items in lists 35

memos 174 menus 22 notes 185

photos 98, 224, 226, 227, 228 schedules 143, 145, 147, 148 song lists 212

space information 274

tasks 143, 151, 164, 165, 168, 169 transmitted information 321 unread messages 143, 151 User’s Guide xiv, xvi

World Clock 345 DNS (defined) 326 DNS addresses 326 do’s and don’ts 347 documentation xiv, 26

domain name system.(DNS) 326 down arrow controls 23 Down button (navigator) 35, 37 downloading

Adobe Acrobat Reader xvi applications 276, 279, 281

eBooks 27

Palm Desktop software 3 drained batteries 356 drawing freehand 179 drivers 316

drop-down lists See lists due dates 158, 159, 163, 169 Duplicate Contact command 116 duplicating contact information 112, 116 duration 125


eBooks 27

Edit Albums screen 233

Edit Categories command 164, 265, 266, 267

Edit Categories dialog box 134, 135 Edit Connection dialog box 317 Edit currencies command 196 Edit List dialog box 340, 342

Edit menu 66, 67

Edit Playlist dialog box 214 editing 65, 174, 180, 185, 231 electrical discharge 348 electrostatic discharge 379380e-mail

addressing 113, 308 attaching information to 247 setting up 322

viewing unread messages for 143, 151 e-mail applications 321, 326 emergency information 265

empty screen 357

Enable Background Playback check box 213 End command 330

Zire™ 31 Handheld


Page 404
Image 404
Palm Zire 31 manual 388