handhelds 17, 289 Home screen 290 network settings
customizing handhelds 25 Cut command 67
Cut icon 33 cutting text 66
cycling through calendar views 143
daily events 124, 128
daily schedules 145, 146, 149 daily tasks 161, 163
data 285
See also information
data entry 21, 40, 41, 54, 70, 304 databases 27, 60
Date & Time Preferences screen 298, 300 date formats 302, 303
assigning to appointments 124, 128 assigning to repeating tasks 162, 163 changing 138, 194, 337
changing sequence of 303 checking 335 displaying current 22, 339 displaying due 169 displaying in World Clock 345 entering current 52 flagging series of 131 incorrect 358
recording completion 169
reserving in calendar 126 resetting 300
scheduling reminders for 111 selecting on calendar 124, 158 setting 337
setting alarms for specific 137, 160, 184 setting current 301
setting due 158, 159 setting
setting repeat intervals for 129, 130, 131, 138
sorting by 185 viewing photos by 236
viewing scheduled 143, 146, 147, 148 viewing specific 147
Day View
displaying overlapping events in 149 scheduling events for 124, 126 selecting 124, 145
setting display options for 136, 149, 151 setting timeframes for 153
Day View icon 124
Daylight Savings settings 337, 341 Deactivate Keylock button 313 deadlines 126
decimal separators 303 Default Currency pick list 198 default settings
overwriting 91, 93 restoring 296 selecting 87
Default View pick list 150 Delay command 330 delays 261, 315
Delete command 284
Delete Contact dialog box 118 Delete dialog box 284 Delete Event command 140 Delete Event dialog box 140 Delete From pick list 284 Delete icon 33
Delete Item command 200 Delete Memo command 176 Delete Memo dialog box 176 Delete Note command 186 Delete Photos command 238 Delete Task command 166 Delete Task dialog box 166 deleting
See also removing categories 267 connections 318 contacts 118 events
memos 176 notes 186 passwords 257, 258 photo albums 233 photos 234, 235 playlists 219
preset connections 316 private entries 258 service profiles 327 songs 218
Zire™ 31 Handheld | 387 |