choosing colors for 295 customizing 151, 291 selecting color of 181
backing up information 8, 26, 71, 98 See also synchronizing
backup cards 98, 106 basics 6, 7, 354 battery
cautions for 378
charging 4, 21, 347, 356, 357 checking 356
conserving power for 294, 313, 356 extending life of 289, 356 overview 5
recharging 4, 5, 315 battery gauge 356
Beam Category command 244 Beam command 243, 245 Beam dialog box 243, 244, 246 Beam From pick list 245 Beam icon 33
beaming 20,
birthdays 111, 124 blank screen 357 blinking cursor 54 blocking information 252 BMP files 224
bold fonts 293
bottom arrow controls 24 brightness 22, 292, 294, 356 brightness control 22 browsers 321
budgets 194
activating 305
activating in dialog boxes 36 assigning to applications 296 back panel 21
calculator 190 front panel 19 locking 313 navigator 34, 35, 36, 37
not responding 305, 313, 348, 357 opening applications from 30, 31 reassigning application 30, 296 restoring defaults for 296 selecting dialog box 36 tapping command 24
Buttons Preferences screen 296
cables 348 Calculator application
benefits of 189 buttons described 190 categorizing with Expense 265 copying and pasting from 191 displaying calculation history 191 opening 25
Calculator icon 25 calculators 25, 27, 189
See also Calendar application adding appointments to 124 changing events on 138, 147 changing repeat intervals for 138
147, 148
displaying conflicting events in 151 finding overlapping events on 149 opening 155
removing appointments from 140 reserving dates 126
scrolling through 147, 148 selecting dates on 124, 158
setting repeat intervals for 129, 130, 131 Calendar application
deleting events 140, 142 displaying categories in 271 entering birthdays for 111 entering event locations from 132 getting help with 155 importing information for 60 installing 25
opening 124 overview 123 related topics for 156
Zire™ 31 Handheld | 383 |