pen 181, 294 | creating 233 | Photos application |
Pen selector 180 | deleting 233 | categorizing information in 265 |
pen widths 180 | moving photos between 232, 235 | copying photos 237 |
percentage button (Calculator) 190 | organizing photos in 233, 235 | creating photo albums 233 |
performance 347 | removing photos 234, 235, 238 | deleting photos 238 |
period (.) character 305 | renaming 233 | displaying photos from 226, 227 |
peripheral devices 20 | scrolling through 232 | getting help with 239 |
personal computers | searching 227 | installing 26, 109, 290 |
backing up system information for 71 | selecting 226, 227, 228, 234 | moving photos 235 |
connecting to 8, 21, 319 | sorting photos in 236 | opening 226, 239 |
copying information to 247 | Photo Details screen 232, 238 | overview 223 |
copying photos from 224 | photos | related topics for 240 |
entering information with 56 | adding to albums 224, 234 | rotating photos 229 |
entering network information for 79 | adding to contacts 109, 110 | sorting photos 236 |
managing schedules from 155 | adding to slide shows 228 | storing files for 102 |
overwriting information on 91, 93 | adjusting fade setting for 291 | synchronizing information for 71 |
preinstalled software for 26 | attaching notes to 232 | transferring photos with 224 |
removing Palm Desktop software 285 | beaming 244 | troubleshooting 368 |
synchronization options for 86, 88 | copying | viewing photo details 231 |
synchronizing handheld with 69, 70, 71, | deleting 234, 235 | viewing slide shows 228 |
72, 84, 366 | displaying 224, 226, 227, 228 | Photos icon 26 |
transferring files from 26 | finding 227 | pick lists 23, 24, 37 |
transferring music from 206, 209 | moving 232, 235 | See also lists |
personal digital assistants (PDAs) 18 | organizing 233 | pictures See photos |
personal information 253 | renaming 232 | playback 368 |
personalizing contact information 114 | rotating 229 | playing music 205, 213, 216 |
personalizing handheld 1, 17 | saving 233 | playlists |
phone drivers 316 | selecting as backgrounds 151, 291 | creating 214 |
Phone Lookup 63, 117 | sharing 224, 240 | deleting songs on 218 |
phone numbers 63, 113, 117, 179, 265, 325 | sorting 236 | displaying 212 |
phone settings 322 | storing 98, 102 | editing 217 |
phones 316, 319, 321 | viewing 98 | naming 214 |
See also conference calls | viewing by dates 236 | removing 219 |
photo albums | viewing details 232 | reordering music on 218 |
adding photos 224, 234 |
| selecting music from 213, 216 |
Zire™ 31 Handheld | 396 |