
See also Home screen

adding photos as backgrounds 151, 291 adjusting brightness 22, 292, 294, 356 aligning 310

blank 357 caring for 347

caution for writing on 21 changing colors of 295 changing fonts for 292293clearing 180

displayed 19

frozen 21, 348, 349, 357 inserting selection highlight 34 maintaining 347

moving through 19, 23, 33 not responding 21 overview 22

setting input area for 304 writing areas on 19, 42, 44, 48

scripts 331 scroll bar 24 scrolling

accelerating 35 application categories 34 from screen-to-screen 24 letter selection versus 30 list screens 35

menu lists 37 record screens 35 to dates 124

SD memory cards 98, 205, 226 SDIO accessories 98

SDIO expansion cards 98

searching for information 23, 38, 117

secondary locations 339, 342, 345 Secure Digital input/output (SDIO) 98 security 322

security levels 250 security options 250

applications 39 calendar 156 contacts 122 memos 178 notes 188 tasks 171

Security Preferences dialog box changing passwords 255 creating passwords 254 deleting passwords 257, 258 locking handhelds 260, 262, 312 masking private entries 252

Select a Color Theme dialog box 295 Select button (navigator) 34, 35, 36, 37 Select Colors dialog box 181

Select Font dialog box 293 Select User dialog box 8, 72 selecting

alarm sounds 344 alternate stroke shapes 306 available options 24 clock display options 345 communications protocol 326 connections 319, 322 currency options 196, 197, 198 information 19, 65

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 322 items in lists 35

menu commands 31, 32, 33, 37 music 213, 215

photo albums 226, 227, 228, 234 security levels 250 synchronization settings 72

selection highlight 34, 35 selection tool 347 self-help resources 374 Send command 330 Send CR command 330 Send Password command 330 Send to Handheld dialog box 281

Send To Handheld droplet 26, 207, 281 Send to Handheld droplet 225

Send To Palm Quick Install command 279 Send User ID command 330

Serial Port drop-down box 366

Service Connection Progress messages 324 Service pick list 322, 325

service profiles deleting 327 selecting 324

setting up 321, 322, 325 service templates 321 services 316, 329

Set Alarm dialog box 159, 184 Set as default check box 92 Set Country dialog box 303 Set Date & Time button 337 Set Date dialog box 301, 337 Set Time dialog box 125, 301, 338 setting alarms 137, 159, 184, 343 setting up handhelds 1, 6, 17 settings See preferences

setup 354 sharing

events 156

Zire™ 31 Handheld


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Palm Zire 31 manual 399