not responding 313
opening applications from 30, 31 reassigning 30, 296
restoring defaults for 296 application controls
See also application buttons application title 31 applications
See also specific application accessing 368
adding contact information to 117, 122 adding files for 70
displaying categories in 271 displaying information about 17, 274 displaying list of 25, 101, 290 downloading 276, 279, 281 exchanging 107
finding information in 23, 38 importing information from 60 incompatible 371 installation prerequisites for 274
installing 26, 70, 101, 273, 278 marking private entries in 251 not finding 25, 358, 359 opening 30, 34, 56, 101, 296 organizing 39
overview 29, 273 preinstalled described 25 related topics for 39, 288 removing 106, 284 removing connections for 318 renaming categories 266 running 10
selecting 34
selecting connections for 319 setting preferences for 295, 298 setting primary location for 336 setting secondary locations for 339 soft resets and 357
specifying connections for 316, 318 switching between 31, 101 synchronizing 71, 73, 89, 363 transferring information from 71 transferring to expansion cards 280 transferring to handheld 26 uninstalling 358
updating information for 89 updating
viewing by category 271
viewing transmitted information from 321
See also Calendar application; events adjusting for location 298
combining tasks with 123 displaying 146, 147, 148 entering 53
removing from calendar 140 saving 125
viewing unscheduled time slots for 151 archive folders 62
archived items 62, 140, 167 ascending sort 236 assigned passwords 322 assigning actions to pen stroke 297 asterisk (*) characters 109 attachments 247
Audible Player software 27 audio applications 20, 27, 205 audio files 206, 278
audio formats 206 audio volume 311, 319 authentication servers 331
Auto Lock Handheld option 260 automatically locking handhelds 259, 260
back panel controls 21 backgrounds
adding photos as 151, 291 adding to calendar 150
Zire™ 31 Handheld | 382 |