information 20, 28, 110, 172, 241, 247 | updating 10 | starting |
memos 178 | software catalog 276 | HotSync Manager 87 |
photos 224, 240 | Solitaire 27 | locked handhelds 259 |
usernames, caution for 71 | Song Details command 220 | Outlook applications 90 |
sharing FAQs 370 | Song Details dialog box 220 | RealOne Player 213 |
ShortCut strokes (Graffiti 2 writing) | song lists | static electricity 348, |
backing up 307 | creating 214 | stopping |
changing 309 | deleting 219 | information searches 38 |
deleting 309 | displaying 212 | playback 213 |
described | editing 217 | slide shows 229 |
setting up 307 | naming 214 | storage 97, 98 |
ShortCut Text line 308 | removing items on 218 | storing MP3 files 206 |
shortcuts xv, 24, 32, 66, 297 | reordering music on 218 | stylus 21, 42, 347 |
ShortCuts Preferences screen 307, 309 | selecting items 213, 216 | switching between applications 31, 101 |
Show History command 191 | troubleshooting 369 | symbols 50, 51, 54, 109, 305 |
Show Multiple Locations setting 345 | songs 98, 205 | synchronization settings 72, |
Show Private Records dialog box 253 | See also music | synchronization software 89, 285 |
Show Private Records option 252 | Sort by pick list 185 | synchronize (defined) 8 |
side panel controls 21 | sorting 122, 178, 185, 202, 236 | synchronizing |
sidebars xv | sound files See audio files; music files | caution for 285 |
Silent profile 311 | sound preferences 311 | handhelds 8, |
sketching 179 | sounds 137, 154, 169, 344 | installing applications and 278, 279 |
Slide Show Delay pick list 228 | See also music | over networks 78, 83 |
slide shows 226, 228, 235, 236 | Sounds & Alerts Preferences 311 | prerequisites for 71, 78 |
slider 23 | space characters 307, 322 | troubleshooting problems with 73, 361– |
small fonts 293 | space information (handheld) 274 | 366 |
small icons 290 | speaker 21, 311, 319 | with external files 95 |
Snooze setting 344 | special characters 43, 50, 51, 305 | with HotSync cable 73, 79 |
soft resets 348, 357 | specifications 377 | with IR port 72, 74, 75, 79, 365 |
software | speed (communications) 316, 317, 320 | with Microsoft Outlook 56, 70, 362 |
See also specific application | Speed pick list 317, 320 | with user profiles 11, 14 |
adding 26, 27, 98, 276 | Splash Money application 27 | system information 71 |
downloading 17 | spreadsheets 60, 195 | system requirements 2 |
downloading trial versions of 276 | square root button (Calculator) 190 | System Sound pick list 311 |
installing 25, 26, 70, 276, 278 |
Zire™ 31 Handheld | 400 |