Contacts application
adding information
categorizing information in 265, 268 copying information 116 creating business cards 115 customizing fields in 114 displaying additional fields for 112 importing information for 60, 95 importing to 122
installing 25
marking entries as private 251 opening 109
overview 108 related topics for 122
saving information in 111, 118 searching from 117 selecting field types for 113 setting display options for 120 transferring information from 63 viewing online help for 121
Contacts button 19 Contacts icon 25 Contacts list 119
continuous events See repeating events contrast (screen) 22, 292, 294 controls
activating 305 application
Copy command 66, 105 Copy dialog box 105
Copy icon 33
Copy to Card command 237 Copy to Handheld command 237 copying
applications 105, 247, 279, 281 calculations 191 information 66, 98
backing up system information for 71 connecting to 8, 21, 319
copying information to 247 copying photos from 224 entering information with 56 entering network information for 79 managing schedules from 155 preinstalled software for 26 removing Palm Desktop software 285 synchronization options for 86, 88 synchronizing handheld with 69, 70, 71,
72, 84, 366 transferring files from 26 transferring music from 206, 209 updating information from 91, 93
business cards 115 categories 265 connections 318 contacts 109, 112, 117 expense records 194, 196, 197 login scripts 328
memos 172, 173, 174
tasks 158, 160, 162 To Do lists 157 unscheduled events 127 untimed events 126, 131 user profiles 12
currency 195, 196, 198 Currency pick list 196
currency symbols 196, 197, 198, 202 current date and time 22, 52, 298, 301, 335 Current Privacy pick list 252
cursor 54, 65
Custom Currencies dialog box 198 customer support xv, 17, 375 customizing
alarms 159, 169, 183 backgrounds 151, 291 calendar 149, 150
contact information 114, 119 currency symbols 198 data entry 304
expense lists 202 Graffiti 2 writing 306
Zire™ 31 Handheld | 386 |