Consumer update
Cellular and PCD Radio Transmitters”):
zWorld Health Organization (WHO) International Commission on
zUnited Kingdom, National Radiological Protection Board: http://www.nrpb.org.uk
zCellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA): http://www.wowcom.com
zU.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health: http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/consumer/
1Muscat et al. “Epidemiological Study of Cellular Telephone Use and Malignant Brain Tumors”. In: State of the Science Symposium; 1999 June 20; Long Beach, California.
2Tice et al. “Tests of mobile phone signals for activity in genotoxicity and other laboratory assays”. In: Annual Meeting of the Environmental Mutagen Society. March 29,1999, Washington, D.C. and personal communication, unpublished results.
3Preece, AW, Iwi, G,
4Hardell, L, Nasman, A, Pahlson, A, Hallquist, Aand Mild, KH. “Use of cellular telephones and the risk for brain tumors: a
Consumer update