
Care and replacement

11111Remove the air filter cover.

zzUsing a Phillips screwdriver to turn the fixing screw of the air filter cover until loose and remove the cover.

Air filter cover fixing screw

Air filter cover

11111Remove the air filter unit.

zzHold the grips on the air filter unit, and remove it from the projector.

Air filter unit


Grips ( arrow engraved)

*After removing the air filter unit, remove any large build ups of dirt or dust in the air filter unit bay and the air intake port on the projector.

11111Press the protrusions of air filter unit removed from the projector in the direction of the black arrow and remove the air filter frame.

11111Replace the air filter/electrostatic filter.

zzReplace the air filter and electrostatic filter in the air filter unit with new ones.

*Ensure you attach the electrostatic filter and air filter in the correct order.


Air filter frame

Air filter (black)

Electrostatic filter



Air filter case


11111 Assemble the air filter unit.

zzFirst insert the electrostatic filter (white) into the center of the case ensuring that its edges do not ride on top of the ribs, and then insert the air filter (black) so that its four corners are within the case before attaching the air filter frame.

*Take care so that the air filter does not get caught between the air filter frame and the case.

*Align the catches and protrusions on the air filter case and air filter frame when assembling the air filter unit. When attaching the air filter frame, ensure that the 4 catches are properly aligned with the protrusions on the air filter case and they have clicked into place.

11111Attach the air filter unit to the projector.

zzAttach the air filter unit to the projector using the reverse of the procedure in 12).

*Insert the air filter unit into the projector in the

direction of the arrow engraved into the air filter frame ( UP ) until it clicks into place.

11111Attach the air filter cover, and firmly tighten the air filter cover fixing screw (one) with a Philips screwdriver.

11111Insert the power plug into a power outlet, and press the <ON> side of the <MAIN POWER> switch to turn on the power.

11111Press the power </> button on the projector or on the remote control to start video projection.