
DVD-RAM disc:

Rewritable DVD disc.

DVD-R disc:

One-time recordable DVD disc.

DVD Video format:

This application format establishes the file name, directory structure, data format, etc. to record videos (movies). A generally available DVD video conforms to this format.

DVD Video recorder:

This device can record video and audio on any recordable DVD disc, such as DVD-RAM, that conforms to the DVD Video Recording format. Some DVD Video recorders can record on a DVD-R disc conforming to DVD Video format. A DVD Video recorder that is compatible with 8 cm DVD-RAM can play back DVD- RAM discs recorded on the DVD Video Camera.


DVD Video Recording format:

Format record video data on writable type DVD disc: This format is adopted by DVD Video Cameras, and DVD-RAM recorders that are compatible with DVD-RAM.

DVD Player:

This device can play back video and audio signals recorded on DVD Video and DVD-R discs using the DVD Video format. Most DVD players can play back a DVD-R disc recorded on the DVD Video Camera (some DVD players cannot play back the disc).

SD Memory Card:

SanDisk, Matsushita and Toshiba jointly developed this memory card standard in 1999. The card is 32 mm long x 24 mm wide x 2.1 mm thick, and has 9 pins. Since the SD Memory Card was developed based on MultiMediaCard (MMC), MMC can be inserted into SD Memory Card slot and used. However, an SD Memory Card cannot be inserted in the slot exclusively for MMC.

USB 2.0:

There are two kinds of USB terminals to a PC. As for USB2.0 (full speed), transfer speed is slow, and, as for USB2.0 (high speed), transfer speed is higher-speed. When you combine DVD Video Camera and use it, one to play with an USB2.0 (high speed) deployment PC can enjoy smoother movies.

Infrared sensor:

This sensor is used to adjust the white balance.


This refers to a reduced screen displayed on Disc Navigation in order to identify the recorded image contents.


Video (movie): “One scene” refers to images recorded from one press of REC button until recording is stopped by pressing the REC button again.

Photo (still): “One scene” refers to a single photo recording by pressing the REC button.

Slot-in type PC:

PC that has a DVD drive into/from which a DVD is directly inserted or ejected without using a tray.


This disables writing to disc (protects disc from writing) so that images recorded on DVD-RAM disc cannot be accidentally deleted and the disc cannot be initialised.




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