●Command Table
Basic Operation
Item | Transmission Command (ASCII) | Response (ASCII) | Parameter (ASCII) |
Fast Forward to the end OFF | OFF |
| |
Pause | OPA | OPA |
Play | OPL | OPL |
Recording | ORC | ORC |
Rewind to the top | ORW | ORW |
Skip&Play Forward | OSF:n | OSF | n = 0 to F 0 = Slowest F=Fastest |
Stop | OSP:n | OSP | n = P stops PLAY |
| n = R stops REC |
| no parameter stops PLAY and REC |
Skip&Play Rewind | OSR:n | OSR | n = 0 to F 0 = Slowest F=Fastest |
Forward a field | OVF | OVF |
Rewind a field | OVR | OVR |
Alarm Control
Item | Transmission Command (ASCII) | Response (ASCII) | Parameter (ASCII) |
Alarm Suspension | MAD:n | MAD | n=0 Suspension disabled |
| n=1 Suspension enabled |
Alarm History Display | OAE:n | OAE | n=0 Display hides |
| n=1 Display appears |
Alarm Reset | OAL | OAL |
Alarm History Clear | OAR | OAR |
Alarm Picture Search | SAS:nnd (:p) | SAS | nn=01 - 99 (in decimal) |
| d=F Search later |
| d=B Search older |
| p=L Search and PLAY |
| p=A Search and PAUSE |
Setup Control
Item | Transmission Command (ASCII) | Response (ASCII) | Parameter (ASCII) | |
Cursor Moves | DCR:n1n2 | DCR | n1=A Right | |
| n1=C Upward | |
| n1=E Left | |
| n1=G Downward | |
| n2=1 Move a step | |
| n2=2 Move multi steps | |
| n1n2=+1 Select parameter(+) | |
| ||
| n1n2=PD Move to lower layer | |
| n1n2=P+ Move to upper layer | |
| n1n2=P- Turn a newer page | |
| n1n2=PU Turn an older page | |
Key Lock | MKL:n | MKL | n=0 | Lock OFF |
| n=1 | Lock ON |
Recording Event | MRM:n | MRM | n=0 | Normal recording |
Setup |
| n=1 | Internal timer recording |
| n=2 | External timer recording |
Summer Time Setup | MST:n | MST | n=0 | Standard time |
| n=1 | Summer time |
Setup | MSU:n | MSU | n=0 | End setup |
| n=1 | Begin setup |
| |
Date&Time Setup | TSU:yyyymmddhhnn | TSU | yyyy=Year | |
| mm=Month |