Help Commands
The following commands are provided to help the user find the correct command:
•help: Lists all the commands that the console recognizes.
•system help: Lists all the commands that start with system that the console recognizes.
•system set help: Lists all the commands that start with system set that the console recognizes.
•system show help: Lists all the commands that start with system show that the console recognizes.
•dsl help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl that the console recognizes.
•dsl set help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl set that the console recognizes.
•dsl show help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl show that the console recognizes.
•dsl show errcntr help: Lists all the commands that start with dsl show errcntr that the console recognizes.
System Configuration Commands
The following commands allow the user to configure the system:
•system set password <password>: Sets the system password.
•system set circuitid <circuitid>: Sets the circuit ID.
•system set timeslots