Figure 16 is a screenshot of opening a typical remote console session:
Log in to 3088 (Near End)
system show status command shows that DSL link is not up
remote console command requests a remote console session on 3088 (Far End)
Message informs us that the 3088 (Far End) did not respond and a remote console session was not opened
system show status command shows that the DSL link state is success
remote console command requests a remote console session on 3088 (Far End)
Message informs us that we are now connected to the 3088 (Far End) console
We can now enter commands on the remote console
Figure 16. Opening a typical remote console session
How to Disconnect
The remote console session ends under any of the following conditions:
•The user enters the command logout
•A timeout period of 5 minutes elapses since the user has entered a command to the console.
•The DSL link drops.
The response upon logging out of the remote console session with the
command logout is Console: Remote console connection lost. The fol-