•dsl show syncstate: Shows the sync state of the DSL link: out of sync, acquiring sync, in sync, or losing sync
•dsl show linkspeed: Shows the actual DSL data rate (minus DSL overhead)
•dsl show linecond: Shows the line condition: good or poor
•dsl show nmr: Shows the noise margin ratio.
•dsl show errcntrs: Shows the following error counters: CRC, LOSW, TX FIFO Full, TX FIFO Empty, TX FIFO Slip, TX Stuff, RX FIFO Full, RX FIFO Empty, and RX FIFO Slip.
•dsl show errcntr crc: Shows the number of CRC errors that have occurred since either startup or the last time that error counters were cleared.
•dsl show errcntr losw: Shows the number of LOSW errors that have occurred since either startup or the last time that error counters were cleared.
•dsl show errcntr txfifofull : Shows the number of TX FIFO Full errors that have occurred since either startup or the last time that error counters were cleared.
•dsl show errcntr txfifoempty : Shows the number of TX FIFO Empty errors that have occurred since either startup or the last time that error counters were cleared.
•dsl show errcntr txfifoslip : Shows the number of TX FIFO Slip errors that have occurred since either startup or the last time that error counters were cleared.
•dsl show errcntr txstuff: Shows the number of TX Stuff errors that have occurred since either startup or the last time that error counters were cleared.
•dsl show errcntr rxfifofull : Shows the number of RX FIFO Full errors that have occurred since either startup or the last time that error counters were cleared.
•dsl show errcntr rxfifoempty : Shows the number of RX FIFO Empty errors that have occurred since either startup or the last time that error counters were cleared.
•dsl show errcntr rxfifoslip : Shows the number of RX FIFO Slip errors that have occurred since either startup or the last time that error counters were cleared.