Here is an example of how to enter the word Shirt.
Not all fonts support
1.Press to switch to character mode.
2.Press the 1 key once. The letter S appears in upper case.
3.Press R to move the cursor to the next position on the screen.
4.Press the 9 key five times. The letter h appears in
5.Press R to move the cursor to the next position on the screen.
6.Press the 9 key six times. The letter i appears in
7.Press R to move the cursor to the next position on the screen.
8.Press the 6 key six times. The letter r appears in
9.Press R to move the cursor to the next position on the screen.
10.Press the 1 key five times. The letter t appears in
11.Press E when you have entered all the data for the field.
E n t e r i n g S y m b o l s
You can use character codes to enter symbols. See Appendix A, "Character Sets" for symbols and corresponding character codes.
To enter a character code
1.Press P. Use the numeric keys to enter the
2.Press E.