P r i n t i n g Ta g s W i t h o u t C u t t i n g
If you answered "No" to the cut option, you will see
Print Multiple [1/32000]: _ _ _ _ _
1.Type the number of copies of each tag to print as a set within a batch. If you want three copies of each tag, use a print multiple of 3. Press E. You will see
Quantity [1/32000]: _ _ _ _ _
2.Type the number of tags or sets of tags you want to print in this batch and press E. A print multiple of two with a batch quantity of 30 prints 60 tags (30 sets of tags with two tags per set). You will see
l Print Mode r
3.Press E. The batch begins to print. The display counts the tags as they print and how many tags are in the batch.
When all the batches have printed, you will see