
Dialling Prefix

What is it?

Some phone systems require you to dial a prefix number


(like 9) to get an outside line. Some systems also require a


pause between the prefix and the phone number you’re


dialling. This function allows you to set these parameters.

Where is it?

In the Refill Setup Menu.


Select: Options > Setup Menu > Basic Settings > Refill


Setup > Dialling Prefix


Key in the prefix number you want. (To enter a # sign, press


the Funds key; to enter an *, press the Refill key).


To have the meter pause after dialling the prefix, press the


decimal point (.) key.


Press Enter. The display shows the prefix you entered,


including the pause if you entered one, and goes back to


the Refill Setup Menu.

PB Phone Number

What is it?

This function sets the number your meter calls to add


postage. For Postage by Phone in the U.K. it is factory set


to dial 08705 143492.




IMPORTANT! DO NOT change this number unless you


receive instructions from Pitney Bowes to do so.

Where is it?


In the Refill Setup Menu.


Select: Options > Setup Menu > Basic Settings > Refill


Setup > PB Phone Number


Key in the phone number, including the area code. Make


sure it’s correct.


Press Enter. The display shows the phone number you


entered and returns to the Refill Setup Menu.
