
PB Account Number

What is it?

This function sets your Postage by Phone account number


which is necessary to be able to refill your meter with


postage funds.


Your Postage by Phone account number is the 8 digit


number supplied in your Information Pack. DO NOT


confuse this account number with your general Pitney


Bowes account for purchase of machines, etc.

Where is it?

In the Refill Setup Menu.


Select: Options > Setup Menu > Basic Settings > Refill


Setup > PB Account Number


Type in your 8 digit Postage by Phone account number.


Double-check the number to make sure it’s correct.


Press Enter. The meter display shows the account number


you entered and returns to the Refill Setup Menu.

Modem Type

What is it?The modem is the device your meter uses to communicate over the phone lines with the Pitney Bowes Postage by Phone system.

You can set the meter to use either its built-in modem or an external modem. In the majority of cases the internal modem will be used. However, there may be cases, such as if you are using ISDN, where an external modem may be required.

Where is it? In the Refill Setup Menu.

Select: Options > Setup Menu > Basic Settings > Refill

Setup > Modem Type

Action…Select Internal Modem or External Modem. Choose External Modem only if the internal modem is unavailable or unsuitable.

Press Enter. The meter display confirms your choice and returns to the Refill Setup Menu.
