
Enable Clear Individual Accounts

What is it?

When this feature is on you can clear all the information


stored for a particular individual account.

Where is it?

In the Accounting Setup Menu.


Select Options > Setup Menu > Accounting Setup >


Enable Clear Indv Acct


If a Supervisor Password has been set, you must enter this


before you can gain access to the Accounting Setup Menu.


Key in the four-digit password followed by Enter.


The display tells you if the clear individual account function


is enabled (on) or disabled (off).


Select 1 to turn the feature on; select 2 to turn it off.


Press Enter. The display confirms your selection and


returns to the Accounting Setup menu.

Meter Graphics

What is it?

Select this to bring up a sub-menu of functions which relate


to installation of Ads and Town Circles.

Where is it?

In the Setup Menu.


Select Options > Setup Menu > Meter Graphics


Allows you to select one of the following options:


New Ad


New Town Circle
