Working with a Polycom CMA System | Using the Advanced Features of Your Phone |
This section explains the following:
•“Inviting People in the CMA Directory to Your Buddy Status List” on page 85
•“Removing Buddies from Your Buddy Status List” on page 87
•“Seeing Who’s Available” on page 87
•“Choosing How You Accept Invitations” on page 90
•“Accepting and Rejecting Invitations” on page 91
•“Updating Your Status” on page 92
•“Dialing Buddies” on page 94
Inviting People in the CMA Directory to Your Buddy Status List
When you invite a person or system from the CMA Directory to your Buddy Status list, the person (if their system supports sharing presence) automatically displays in your Buddy Status List and on a Speed Dial Key (if available).
Depending how the person’s system is configured, the following happens:
•If the person’s system is configured to accept invitations automatically, the
person’s status displays (one of ,
, or
). As well, you’re automatically added to the person’s status list.
(For information about the icons that display to indicate buddy status, see “Seeing Who’s Available” on page 87.)
•If the person’s system isn’t configured to accept invitations automatically, the name in your Buddy Status list is identified with the Invited icon,
. Then, one of the following will happen:
—If the person accepts your invitation, your Buddy Status list and Speed Dial Keys update to show the person’s status. As well, you’re automatically added to the person’s status list.
—If the person rejects your invitation, the person’s name is removed from your Buddy Status list and any Speed Dial Keys, and you aren’t added to the person’s status list.
When you invite a person to your Buddy Status list, all the person’s endpoints (for example, “VVX,” “HDX,” “CMA Desktop,” etc.) are added to your list. Each endpoint displays as a separate entry in your list and occupies a different Speed Dial Key.
You can add up to 64 people to your Buddy Status list. Your Buddy Status list displays contacts alphabetically (using the first letter that displays for the buddy’s name). Each entry displays the buddy’s name, device type, and presence icon.
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