Chapter 6: Settings
138 Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manua l
Field Size/Char
Refer to page117 for details. Composite

A composite symbol includes multi-row 2D components making it compatible with
linear and area CCD scanners along with linear and rastering laser scanners.
Important: To successfully read this type of bar code, the two types of
symbologies included in the composite must be enabled.
In addition, “Center Bar Code Only” must be disabled.
6.20.4 Options Tab
This tab allows you to tailor the double-click parameters and the display options
associated with your scanner.
Figure 6.48 Options Tab

Double Click Parameters

Click Time (msec)
This parameter controls the maximum gap time (in milliseconds) for a double-click.
If the time between the first and second clicks of the scanner trigger is within this
time, it is considered a double-click. The allowable range is 0 to 1000. A value of
zero disables this feature.