Chapter 2: Using the Tiller Pilot | 15 |
2.4 Using Track mode
In Track mode, the tiller pilot maintains a track between waypoints created on a navigation system. The tiller pilot computes any course changes to keep your boat on track, automatically compensating for tidal streams and leeway. To operate in Track mode, the tiller pilot must receive cross track error information from either:
•a SeaTalk navigator, or
Selecting Track mode
When you select Track mode, the tiller pilot can acquire the track in one of two ways:
•automatic acquisition – when both cross track error and bearing to waypoint data are available
•manual acquisition – when Cross Track Error is the only available information
Automatic track acquisition
If cross track error and bearing to waypoint data are both available (via SeaTalk or NMEA), the pilot can acquire a track automatically:
1.Bring the boat to within 0.1 nm of track.
2.Press auto.
4.An alarm will sound and the display will alternate between:
•the bearing to waypoint, and
•the direction the boat will turn to take up the new track
Waypoint at 058˚
Current heading
2 Using the Tiller Pilot