Icon Name Action
Alarm Shows alarm s ettin gs; ho ld to s et the alarm.
SNOOZE Snooze/Sle ep Press once to snooze the al arm by 7 minu tes. P ress r epeate dly to set th e Radi o to go to
sleep in a cho sen ti me int erval (or pre ss to c ancel the Sle ep fu nctio n).
large round knob
at top/left
Standby/Volume Press to togg le Stan dby mo de; tu rn to a djust volume .
1–6 Presets 1– 6 Selects one of 6 d iffe rent pr eset stati ons or playli sts. Use wi th A-B -C but ton t o acces s
the next se t of si x pres ets.
A-B-C Pres et Ban k Selects one of 3 “ban ks” of 6 pres ets, givin g you ac cess t o a tot al of 18 prese ts.
Remote Control Buttons

You can also use your remote control with AM and FM radio as described below.


Current Remote New Remote (Rendering)

Section 2: Playing AM/ FM Radio