External Control
92 VX-3000d Series Installation/Operation Manual
Image Preset Commands
CUSTOM1 NA YES Loads “Custom 1” image preset
CUSTOM2 NA YES Loads “Custom 2” image preset
DAY NA YES Loads “ISF Day” image preset
NIGHT NA YES Loads “ISF Night” image preset
PRESET? NA NA Returns currently-selected preset
(ISF Day, ISF Night, Custom 1 or Cus-
tom 2)
Input Position Commands
IHEIGHT 0/20 YES Sets the value for input height
IHEIGHT? NA NA Returns input height value
IHPOS -50/50 YES Sets a value for horizontal input position
IHPOS? NA NA Returns input horizontal position value
IVPOS -50/50 YES Sets a value for vertical input position
IVPOS? NA NA Returns input vertical position value
IWIDTH 0/50 YES Sets the value for input width
IWIDTH? NA NA Returns input horizontal width value
OVERSCAN 0/20 YES Sets the overscan percentage
OVERSCAN? NA NA Returns overscan percentage
OVERSCANMODE 0/1 YES Sets the overscan mode (0=zoom;
OVERSCANMODE? NA NA Returns the overscan mode (0=zoom;
Output Shift Commands
OHEIGHT -50/50 YES Sets the value for output height
OHEIGHT? NA NA Returns output height value
OHPOS -50/50 YES Sets the value for output horizontal posi-
OHPOS? NA NA Returns output horizontal position value
OVPOS -50/50 YES Sets the value for output vertical position
OVPOS? NA NA Returns output vertical position value
OWIDTH -50/50 YES Sets the value for output width
OWIDTH? NA NA Returns output horizontal width value
Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued)
Command Parameter
Stored? Description