2Connecting and Using a Source Device
3Select the default application you want to run when MagicInfo starts.
MagicInfo Setup Wizard - v.1.12
Select Application - step 1
MagicInfo Pro (LAN, WAN based version)
Select Later
< Back(B) | Next(N) > | Finish | Cancel |
4Enter the IP information.
MagicInfo Setup Wizard - v.1.12
Select TCP/IP - step 2
Obtain an IP address automatically | |
Use the following IP address: |
IP address: | 192 . 168 . 0 . 102 |
Subnet mask: | 255 . 255 . 255 . 0 |
Default gateway: | 192 . 168 . 0 . 1 |
Obtain DNS server address automatically | |
Use the following DNS server address: | |
Preferred DNS server: | 10 . 44 . 33 . 22 |
Alternate DNS server: | 10 . 33 . 22 . 11 |
< Back(B) | Next(N) > | Finish | Cancel |
2 Connecting and Using a Source Device 63