Samsung VP-L800/XEE manual Precautions regarding the battery pack, Akumulátor, Lithiové baterie

Models: VP-L800/XEE

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Precautions and Safety Instructions

Upozornûní a bezpeãnostní pokyny

Precautions regarding the battery pack

Make sure that the battery pack is charged before shooting outdoors.

To preserve battery power, keep your camcorder turned off when you are not operating it.

When your camcorder is in CAMERA mode, if it is left in STANDBY for more than 5 minutes without operation, it will auto- matically turn off to protect against un-necessery battery discharge.

It is a good idea to use the viewfinder instead of the LCD when shooting for a long time because the LCD uses more battery.

Make sure that the battery pack is fitted firmly into place. Dropping the battery pack might damage it.

When the battery reaches the end of its life please contact your local dealer.

The batteries have to be dealt with as chemical waste.

Precautions regarding the Lithium battery

Warning: Keep the LITHIUM BATTERY out of the reach of children. Should the battery be swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.

The lithium battery maintains the clock function, TITLE,

CUSTOM function and preset contents memory; even if the battery pack or AC power adapter is removed.

The lithium battery for the camcorder lasts about 8~10 months under normal operation from time of installation.

When the lithium battery becomes weak or dead, the date/time indicator will flash for about five seconds when you set the power switch to CAMERA. In this case, replace the lithium

battery with CR2025 type. (see page 17)


ZabraÀte moÏnosti dotyku kovov˘ch pfiedmûtÛ s kontakty akumulátoru. Mohou zpÛsobit zkrat a po‰kození akumulátoru.

UdrÏujte kontakty akumulátoru v ãistotû! Videokamera, síÈov˘ adaptér a akumulátoru nebudou správnû pracovat, pokud budou jejich kontakty zneãi‰tûny. Pfied pouÏitím zkontrolujte jejich stav a pokud je to nutné, oãistûte je suchou mûkkou látkou nebo papírov˘m kapesníkem.

Pfied filmováním mimo domov se pfiesvûdãte, Ïe je akumulátor nabit˘. Pokud právû nenatáãíte, pro ochranu pfied jeho zbyteãn˘m vybíjením kameru vypínejte. JestliÏe je videokamera v reÏimu CAMERA nastavena do reÏimu STANDBY, automaticky se po 5 minutách vypne, aby bylo zabránûno zbyteãnému vybíjení akumulátoru.

Doporuãujeme pfii dlouhém natáãení pouÏívat hledáãek místo LCD monitoru.

Pfiesvûdãte se, Ïe je akumulátor správnû vloÏen do videokamery. Pád mÛÏe akumulátor po‰kodit.

JestliÏe akumulátor skonãil svoji Ïivotnost, spojte se s Va‰ím dodavatelem. S akumulátorem nakládejte jako s chemick˘m odpadem.

Lithiové baterie

Upozornûní: Volnû leÏící lithiovou baterii chraÀte zejména pfied dûtmi. Pokud by dítû baterii spolklo, volejte ihned lékafie.

Lithiová baterie podporuje funkci hodin, titulkÛ, funkci CUSTOM a

pfiednastaven˘ obsah pamûti; a to i tehdy, kdyÏ je baterie


Pfii normálním provozu videokamery je lithiová baterie schopna

zaji‰Èovat tyto funkce po dobu 8 aÏ 10 mûsícÛ.

KdyÏ se pfiiblíÏí konec její Ïivotnosti, zaãne pfii pfiepnutí

videokamery do reÏimu CAMERA po dobu asi 5 vtefiin blikat

indikace data/ãasu.

V tomto pfiípadû vymûÀte lithiovou baterii - pouÏijte typ CR2025.



*When the lithium battery becomes weak or dead please contact your local dealer. The batteries have to be disposed of as chemical waste.

(viz instrukce na str.17)


* JestliÏe Ïivotnost akumulátoru

Stará lithiová baterie

skonãila, spojte se s Va‰ím

musí b˘t recyklována

nebo odloÏena do k

dodavatelem. Baterie je

tomu urãen˘ch

chemick˘m odpadem.

odpadov˘ch nádob.



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Samsung VP-L800/XEE manual Precautions regarding the battery pack, Precautions regarding the Lithium battery, Akumulátor

VP-L800/XEE specifications

The Samsung VP-L800/XEE is a compact and versatile camcorder designed for both amateur and semi-professional video enthusiasts. This device seamlessly combines advanced features with user-friendly operation, making it an ideal choice for capturing special moments or creating content for various platforms.

One of the standout features of the VP-L800/XEE is its high-quality video recording capabilities. It boasts a 700x digital zoom and a 34x optical zoom, allowing users to capture stunning footage from great distances while maintaining clarity and detail. This is particularly useful for wildlife enthusiasts or anyone looking to shoot events where the action may be far from the camera.

The camcorder supports video recording in various formats, including MPEG-2 and MPEG-4, offering flexibility depending on user needs. Its built-in USB connectivity simplifies the process of transferring videos to computers or external storage devices, enabling quick and efficient editing and sharing. The inclusion of a SD/SDHC memory card slot provides users with the capability to expand storage as required, making it easier to take extended videos without worrying about space.

In terms of image stabilization, the VP-L800/XEE features advanced Digital Image Stabilization technology that helps reduce the effects of camera shake, producing smoother footage, especially during active shooting scenarios. Additionally, its 2.7-inch LCD screen allows for easy framing and playback, making it straightforward to review clips on the go.

Sound quality is equally important for video content, and the VP-L800/XEE includes a built-in microphone that captures clear audio, while an external mic input is available for those who require higher sound fidelity. This versatility accommodates various recording environments, from quiet indoor settings to bustling outdoor events.

The camcorder also integrates convenient automatic shooting modes, which adjust settings based on lighting conditions, allowing users to focus more on the content rather than technical adjustments. Its lightweight and ergonomic design make it comfortable to hold during extended shoots, while a variety of color options allow users to select a device that suits their personal style.

In conclusion, the Samsung VP-L800/XEE is a well-rounded camcorder, blending essential features with outstanding performance to meet the demands of users looking for a reliable video recording device. With its impressive zoom capabilities, user-friendly interface, and solid audio-visual features, it is a powerful tool for creating memorable content.