Precautions and Safety Instructions


Upozornûní a bezpeãnostní pokyny











Precautions regarding the electronic viewfinder


Elektronick˘ hledáãek


Do not place the camcorder



so that the viewfinder is


pointing towards the sun.



Direct sunlight can damage



the inside of the viewfinder.



Be careful when placing the



camcorder under sunlight or



by a window.



Do not pick up the



camcorder by the viewfinder.



Over rotation may cause damage to the viewfinder.



Neodkládejte videokameru na



pfiímé sluneãní svûtlo. Pfiímé



pÛsobení sluneãního svitu pfies



ãoãku okuláru mÛÏe velmi rych-



le po‰kodit vnitfiní plochu



hledáãku (tzv.“vypálit” displej



elektronického hledáãku a jeho



okolí). Buìte proto velmi opatrní



pfii pfieru‰ení natáãení za



pfiímého slunce (nenosit pfiístroj



jen zavû‰en˘ na krku, ale vloÏit


jej do bra‰ny). Buìte opatrní téÏ pfii odkládání videokamery v blízkosti


okna ãi v autû.


2)Nezvedejte videokameru za hledáãek.

3)Neopatrné otáãení mÛÏe po‰kodit hledáãek.

Precautions regarding moisture condensation

1)A sudden rise in atmospheric temperature may cause condensation to form inside the camcorder.

for example:

When you take the camcorder from cold

temper ature outside to warm temperature inside during the winter.

When you take the camcorder from cool temper ature inside to hot temperature outside during the summer.


If the “DEW(


)” protection feature is


activated, leave the camcorder in a dry,



warm room with the cassette compartment


opened and the battery removed.



If you want to override the “DEW(







protection feature after it has been





unexpectedly activated, detach the



battery pack and lithium battery and then



replace them.






Please make sure that the condensation


has disappeared completely. (see page 67)

Kondenzace vlhkosti

1)Zmûny teploty okolního prostfiedí mohou zpÛsobit kondenzaci vlhkosti uvnitfi videokamery.


JestliÏe v zimû pfienesete videokameru z vnûj‰ího chladného prostfiedí do teplé


JestliÏe v létû pfienesete videokameru z chladného prostfiedí uvnitfi domu ven do horka.

2)Jako ãásteãná ochrana proti tûmto nepfiízniv˘m vlivÛm má kamera nainstalován vlhkostní senzor. JestliÏe senzor zareaguje na nepfiíznivé

podmínky, objeví se na displeji indikace

“DEW( )”. V tomto pfiípadû nebude Ïádná z funkcí videokamery (vyjma EJECT) fungovat. Otevfite prostor kazety, odpojte akumulátor a nechte videokameru alespoÀ 2 hodiny v suché, teplé místnosti.

3)JestliÏe se indikace “DEW( )” objeví neãekanû nebo setrvává i po vyschnutí pfiístroje, vyjmûte akumulátor a lithiovou baterii.


Pfiesvûdãete se, Ïe vlhkost uvnitfi videokamery


byla zcela odstranûna a po chvíli je vloÏte zpût.


Varovné signály by se jiÏ nemûly objevit, bude


ale nutné nastavit znovu datum a ãas. Pfietrvá-


vají - li problémy, obraÈte se na servis.


(viz instrukce na str.67)


Page 5
Image 5
Samsung VP-L800/XEE manual Kondenzace vlhkosti

VP-L800/XEE specifications

The Samsung VP-L800/XEE is a compact and versatile camcorder designed for both amateur and semi-professional video enthusiasts. This device seamlessly combines advanced features with user-friendly operation, making it an ideal choice for capturing special moments or creating content for various platforms.

One of the standout features of the VP-L800/XEE is its high-quality video recording capabilities. It boasts a 700x digital zoom and a 34x optical zoom, allowing users to capture stunning footage from great distances while maintaining clarity and detail. This is particularly useful for wildlife enthusiasts or anyone looking to shoot events where the action may be far from the camera.

The camcorder supports video recording in various formats, including MPEG-2 and MPEG-4, offering flexibility depending on user needs. Its built-in USB connectivity simplifies the process of transferring videos to computers or external storage devices, enabling quick and efficient editing and sharing. The inclusion of a SD/SDHC memory card slot provides users with the capability to expand storage as required, making it easier to take extended videos without worrying about space.

In terms of image stabilization, the VP-L800/XEE features advanced Digital Image Stabilization technology that helps reduce the effects of camera shake, producing smoother footage, especially during active shooting scenarios. Additionally, its 2.7-inch LCD screen allows for easy framing and playback, making it straightforward to review clips on the go.

Sound quality is equally important for video content, and the VP-L800/XEE includes a built-in microphone that captures clear audio, while an external mic input is available for those who require higher sound fidelity. This versatility accommodates various recording environments, from quiet indoor settings to bustling outdoor events.

The camcorder also integrates convenient automatic shooting modes, which adjust settings based on lighting conditions, allowing users to focus more on the content rather than technical adjustments. Its lightweight and ergonomic design make it comfortable to hold during extended shoots, while a variety of color options allow users to select a device that suits their personal style.

In conclusion, the Samsung VP-L800/XEE is a well-rounded camcorder, blending essential features with outstanding performance to meet the demands of users looking for a reliable video recording device. With its impressive zoom capabilities, user-friendly interface, and solid audio-visual features, it is a powerful tool for creating memorable content.