• Preset rates for %&
You do not have to program these preset prices/amount/rates since they can be entered at registration.
• Amount entry digit limit for PO amount, RA amount, Manual tax amount
The factory setting makes the maximum amount you can enter. You can program to limit the amount.
•Sentinel - High amount lockout (HALO) for cash in drawer (CID)
•Department group
You can classify departments into a maximum of 9 groups (0 to 9 groups: 0:
• Commission
If you program commission rate (up to two) and classify departments (For
•Key sequence for AUTO key
•Online time out setting
•Specification of clerk to be trained
Department programming:
The cash register is
Department: Allow open price entry in normal department (group: 0, commission group: 0), taxable status- taxable 1 for department 1 to 10, and non taxable for department 11 to 99
When you use department 11 or above, and/or you apply taxable status other than taxable 1 for department 1 to 10, you must change department settings. Please refer to the department programming section for programming details.
7 | Starting sales entries |
Now you are ready for sales registration.