Siemens A31003-51730-U103-7619 user manual 6.1.4How to implement the case study, Broadcasts, Name

Models: A31003-51730-U103-7619

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The planning and implementation of a DCO Project



The case study project

















Broadcast group to alert all called subscribers in the Man-



agement area.





Admin & Technics

Broadcast group to alert all called subscribers of the Ad-



min & Technics area.





Production 1

Broadcast group to alert all called subscribers in the Pro-



duction 1 area.





Production 2

Broadcast group to alert all called subscribers in the Pro-



duction 2 area.




6.1.4How to implement the case study

The implementation of the case study is divided into the following logical segments: in the first step, you will need to design the user interface (see Section 6.3, "Create Frames and Con- trols"); after that, you will add in several steps the functional contents to the script (see Section 6.4, "Create the global objects" to Section 6.6, "Create the Functions of the Frame "Announce- ment selection"").

The structure of the case study user interface

In this case study, the user interface is divided into:

The "Main Page" used for the creation of the various visual and info elements and for:

several Event Buttons that enable the operator to select the best suitable an- nouncements for the most important emergencies,

an Event display to output the currently selected announcement to the operator,

an Area Button for each area that make it possible for the operator to select the area(s) that need(s) to be alerted, plus

an Invoke Button that is only enabled if at least one announcement and a minimum of one area have been are selected and that is used by the operator to activate broadcasts.

The Frame child node "Announcement selection" has the form of a user dialog and can be opened with the Event Button "More". It is used to create:

a Listbox to select additional event-related announcements,

an "Ok" Button to confirm your selection(s), and

a "Cancel" Button to close the Frame and discard all selection(s).



OScAR-Pro Customized Operator, User Manual


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Siemens A31003-51730-U103-7619 6.1.4How to implement the case study, Broadcasts, The case study project, Name, Description