AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 103 of 256 15.07.2002
Command Behaviour on channel 1 Differences on channel 2+3
ATS8 1) as described not usable
ATS10 1) as described not usable
ATS18 1) as described not usable
AT\Q<n> as described not usable
ATZ as described data call parameters not changed
1) Siemens GSM engines s upport the registers S0 - S29. You can change S0, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7,S8,
S10 and S18 using the related ATSn commands (see starting from pg. 32).
2) MC35 allows to use the GPRS com mands on all logical channels, but to remain compatible to fu-
ture releases it is recommended to use them on channel 1 only. PD P contexts can be defined on
any channel, but are visible and usable only on the channel on which they are defined (thus it is
not possible to define a context on channel 2 and activate it on channel 3). G PRS data calls can be
initiated on any channel but will be always established on channe l 1.
3) The applicability of the +++ escape sequence depends on the customer’s external application
based on the Mulitplexer Protocol. Recommendations for im plementing an appropriate modem
status command (MSC) are provided in [5], Chapter “Escape Sequence”. T he demo program PC
MUX uses +++ as described in Chapter 2.2.
Table 9: Summary of AT commands with different behaviour in Multipl ex mode
Command Description Chapter
AT\Q<n> It is recommended to use hardware flow control (AT\Q3). XON/XOFF
flow control (AT\Q1) is not supported in Multiplex mode
ATH Terminates any voice, fax or CSD call in progress, no matter what
channel was used to enter ATH.
Terminates GPRS connections or clears active PDP context if issued
on the same channel.
AT&V Different default configurations on channels 1, 2 and 3 2.37
AT+IPR Before you start Multiplex mode, it is recommended to set the ME to
57600 bps. For GPRS we suggest to use 115200 bps .
The bit rate cannot be changed while Multiplex mode is active, there-
fore do not use AT+IPR=<rate> in this mode.
AT+IPR=0 Autobauding is not compatible with Multiplex mode. It is neither pos-
sible to start MUX when autobauding is active, nor to set autobauding
during Multiplex mode.
AT+CALA Alarm calls can be separately configured on each cha nnel. The read
command returns the total number of alarm calls activated on all
AT+CMEE Presentation mode can be separately configured for each channel. 4.25
AT+CNMA If Multiplex mode is activated the +CNMI parameter will be set to zero
on all channels, if one channel fails to acknowledge an incom ing
message within the required time.
AT+CNMI Phase 2+ parameters can only be used on one cha nnel. The parame-
ter for <mt> and <ds> on the other channels have to be set to zero. If
either a SM or a Status Report is not acknowledged, all +CNMI pa-
rameter will be set to zero on all channels.