AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 197 of 256 15.07.2002
· Please refer to [1] for specifications on critical temperature rang es.
· To avoid damage the module will shut down once the critical tem perature is
exceeded. The procedure is equivalent to the power-down initiated wit h
· URCs indicating the alert level "1" or "-1" are intended to enable the user to
take appropriate precautions, such as protect the module or battery from expo-
sure to extreme conditions, or save or back up data etc. The presentat ion of "1"
or "-1" URCs depends on the settings selected with the write command:
If <n>=0: Presentation is enabled for 15 s time after the module was switched
on. After 15 s operation, the presentation will be disabled, i.e. no URCs will be
If <n>= 1: Presentation of "1" or "-1" URCs is always enabled.
· Level "2" or "-2" URCs are followed by immediate shutdown. The presentation
of these URCs is always enabled, i.e. they will be output even though the fac-
tory setting AT^SCTMC=0 was never changed.
· If the temperature limit is exceeded while an emergency call is in progres s the
engine continues to measure the temperature and to deliver alert mes sages,
but deactivates the shutdown functionality. Once the call is terminate d full tem-
perature control will be resumed. If the temperature is still out of range MC35
switches off immediately.
Examples URCs issued when the operating temperature is out of range:
^SCTM_A: 1 Caution: Battery close to overtemperature limit.
^SCTM_A: 2 Alert: Battery above overtemperature limit. Engine switches off .
^SCTM_B: 1 Caution: Engine close to overtemperature limit.
^SCTM_B: 2 Alert: Engine is above overtemperature limit and switches off .
^SCTM_A: -1 Caution: Battery close to undertemperature limit.
^SCTM_A: -2 Alert: Battery below undertemperature limit. Engine switches
^SCTM_B: -1 Caution: Engine close to undertemperature limit.
^SCTM_B: -2 Alert: Engine is below undertemperature limit and switches off .
Example URCs issued when the temperature is back to normal (URC is output once):
^SCTM_A: 0 Battery temperature back to normal temperature.
^SCTM_B: 0 Engine back to normal temperature