AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 144 of 256 15.07.2002
GSM 07.05
· After invoking the commands CMGW, CMGS, CMGC wait for the
prompt ">" and then start to send text to the module.
· To send the message simply enter <CTRL-Z>. See Execute com-
mand for possible responses.
· Sending can be aborted by entering <ESC>. Of course, the mes-
sage will not be sent, though the operation is acknowledged with
· When sending e-mails via SMS check that, depending on the pro-
vider, the @ symbol will be recognized and correctly interpreted. If
not, make sure what character to use instead. A widely used alter-
native is typing “*”.
· At baudrates lower than 19200 it is recommended to use the line
termination character only (refer to +ATS3, default <CR>, pg. 32)
before entering the text/pdu. Use of the line termination character
followed by the response formating character (see +ATS4, default
<LF>, pg. 32) can cause problems.
· All characters entered behind the “>” prompt will be recognized as
GSM characters. For example, “Backspace” (ASCII character 8)
does not delete a character, but will be inserted into the SMS as
an additional physical character. As a result, the character you
wanted to delete still appears in the text, plus the GSM code
equivalent of the Backspace key. See also Chapter 9.5 which pro-
vides the supported alphabet tables.
· In text mode, the maximum length of an SMS depends on the
used coding scheme: It is 160 characters if the 7 bit GSM coding
scheme is used, and 140 characters according to the 8 bit GSM
coding scheme.