AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 191 of 256 15.07.2002
Read command
^SBC: <bcs>,<bcl>,<mpc>
<bcs> Connection status of battery pack
<bcl> Battery charge level
While charging is in progress (charging adapter connected) the
battery capacity is not available. Consequently, parameter <bcl>=0.
To query the battery capacity disconnect the charger.
<mpc> Average power consumption
<mpc> is obtained from the ME's power consumption, plus the valu e
you have specified for the application by using the wri te command
AT^SBC=<current>. Remember that the ME's power consumption
varies with its operating mode (IDLE, TALK, DATA, GPRS/DATA)
and the power level.
If <current> was not yet specified and no battery pack NTC is
detected <mpc> returns only the module's present power
If <current> was not yet spec ified, but the NTC of the connected
battery pack is detected, an offset value of 200mA will, by default, be
added. 200mA is an estimated value which represents the power
consumption of a typical external application. Drawn from practical
experience it serves as a precaution to ensure proper charging in
case you have not entered <current>. It is strongly recommended
that you enter the correct power consumption of your application a s
described below.
Note: If the battery does not incorporate an NTC, or the battery and
the NTC are not compliant with the requirements specified in [1], th e
battery cannot be detected by the ME.
Write command
Use the write command to specify the power consumption of your external appl i-
cation. This information enables the ME to calculate the average power consump-
tion <mpc> and to properly control the charging process. If the value is not correct
the entire charging process may be affected. Resulting problems m ay be wrong
responses to the AT^SBC read command, overcharging, or the battery does not
reach full capacity.
The write command registers the serial port as the output channel for unsolic ited
result codes related to charging.
When the ME is powered down or reset, the value of <current> is restored to its
default. This affects the charging control and disables the presentation of unsolic-
ited result codes. Therefore, the parameter should be set every tim e when
needed after rebooting the ME.
If error is related to ME functionality:
+CME ERROR: <err>
<current> Enter the curr ent consumption of your application in mA (0...5000). If
used, the current provided over the by 2.9V VDD pin of the ZIF inter-
face (maximum 70mA) must be added, too.