AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 21 of 256 15.07.2002
Execute command
This command can be used to set up outgoing voice, data or fax calls. It also
serves to control supplementary services.
The command may be aborted generally when receiving an ATH c ommand during
execution. It canĀ“t be aborted in some connection setup states, such as handshak-
Two different call setup options can be determined for voice calls: T A returns OK
either after dialing was completed or after call has been establis hed. Setting is
made with AT^SM20 (see Chapter 8.18). In data connections, call setup always
terminates when call has been established.
If no dialtone (parameter setting ATX2 or ATX4):
If busy (parameter setting ATX3 or ATX4):
If a connection cannot be set up:
If successfully connected and non-voice call:
CONNECT<text> TA switches to data state.
Note: <text> output only if +ATX parameter setting with value > 0.
When TA returns to command mode after call release:
If successfully connected and voice call:
<n> String of dialling digits and optionally V.25ter modifiers (dialling digits):
0-9, * , #, +, A, B, C
V.25ter modifiers: these are ignored: ,(comma), T, P, !, W, @
Emergency call:
<n> = 112 worldwide number (no SIM needed)
<mgsm> String of GSM modifiers:
I Activates C LIR (disables presentation of own phone number to called
i Deactivates CLIR (enables presentation of own phone number to
called party)
G Activate Closed User Group explicit invocatio n for this call only.
g Deactivate C losed User Group explicit invocation for this call only.
<;> Only required to s et up voice calls. TA remains in command mode.