AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 236 of 256 15.07.2002
Table 14: Summary of Fax Class 2 URCs defined by EIA PN-2388
Message Meaning
+FCON Indicates connection with a fax machine
+FNSF:<param> Reports non-standard setup frame
+FTSI:"<id>" Reports the remote ID, transmit station ID
+FCSI:"<id>" Reports the remote ID, called station ID
<DF>,<EC>,<BF>,<ST> Reports the current session parameter
(refer to EIA PN-2388, table 3.10)
<DF>,<EC>,<BF>,<ST> Reports the remote station capabilities
(refer to EIA PN-2388, table 3.10)
+FHNG:<stat> Reports call terminated with status
+FPTS:<stat> Reports received page status
+FET:<stat> Reports post page message