AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 26 of 256 15.07.2002
This command searches the active phonebook for a given string <str> and dials the assigned phon e
number. The active phonebook is the one set with AT+CPBS.
Execute command
TA attempts to set up an outgoing call to stored number
Note: This command may be aborted generally by receiving a character dur-
ing execution. It can´t be aborted in some connection setup states,
such as handshaking.
If error is related to ME functionality:
+CME ERROR: <err>
If no dialtone (parameter setting ATX2 or ATX4):
If busy (parameter setting ATX3 or ATX4):
If a connection cannot be set up:
If successfully connected and non-voice call:
CONNECT<text> TA switches to data state.
Note: <text> output only if +ATX parameter setting with value > 0.
When TA returns to command mode after call release:
If successfully connected and voice call:
<str> string type value (“x”), which should equal an alphanumeric field in
at least one phonebook entry in the searched memories; used char-
acter set should be the one selected with AT+CSCS. <str> can con-
tain escape sequences as described in Chapter 1.5.
<str> must be wrapped in quotation marks (""), if escape sequenc es
or parameter <mgsm> are used or if the alphanumeric strings con-
tains a blank. If not, quotation marks are optional.
<mgsm> I Activates CLIR (disables presentation of own phone num ber to
called party)
i Deactivates CLIR (enables presentation of own phone number to
called party)
<;> Only required to set up voice calls. TA remains in command mode.
V.25ter/GSM 07.07
Command is not supported for data calls! See also ATX and Chapter 9.1.5 for