AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 226 of 256 15.07.2002
The ^SSYNC command serves to configure the SYNC pin in the ZIF conn ector of the GSM engine.
Please note that the pin may be assigned different functions, dependin g on the design of the host
application. MC35 Terminal supports only <mode>=1.
For detailed information on the SYNC pin of the MC35 module refer to [1]. Before chang ing the
mode of the SYNC pin, carefully read the technical specifications.
Test command
^SSYNC: (list of supported <mode>s) OK
See write command
Read command
+SSYNC: <mode> OK
See write command
Write command
<mode> 0 MC35 module: Enables the SYNC pin to indicate growing power
consumption during a transmit burst. You can make use of the sig-
nal generated by the SYNC pin, if power consumption is your con-
cern. To do so, ensure that your application is capable of process -
ing the signal. Your platform design must be such that the incoming
signal causes other components to draw less current. In short, this
allows your application to accomodate current drain and thus, sup-
ply sufficient current to the GSM engine if required.
MC35 Terminal: not applicable (do not select mode 0).
1 Enables the SYNC pin to control a status LED. On the MC35 Ter-
minal, this is the LED placed on the front panel. If you use the
MC35 module, the SYNC pin can control an LED installed in your
The LED functions described in Table 12 are applicable both to the
module and the terminal.
Note: Mode 1 is the default mode for the MC35 Terminal.
Note The SYNC pin mode is stored to the non-volatile Flash m emory, and thus retained
after Power Down.